Paint Colors To Avoid: Don’t Let These Shades Ruin Your Home’s Exterior!

Prospect House Painting Pros - Prospect House Painting Pros

The exterior of your home is the first thing people see. Thus, the wrong paint color can drastically reduce your home’s curb appeal. Some exterior house paint colors are best avoided, whether you’re looking to sell your home or keep it looking its best. From overly bright colors to outdated hues, these exterior paint colors will have […]

Top 6 House Painting Mistakes Prospect, CT, Homeowners Make

Top 6 House Painting Mistakes Prospect, CT, Homeowners Make

Painting your home can be a fun and rewarding experience — with the right knowledge and preparation. Unfortunately, many Prospect, CT, homeowners still make costly mistakes due to misinformed painting decisions. As the best painting company in Prospect, we’ve seen our fair share of mistakes over the years. In this article, we’ll discuss the seven most common […]

The Best Paint Colors to Boost Productivity in the Office

Office painting design in prospect

It’s no secret that colors can have an impact on people’s moods. Certain colors can make us calm and more relaxed, while others can make us feel more energized and excited. So, if you’re a business owner in Prospect, CT, looking to boost productivity in your office, it might be time to consider a new […]

10 Ways to Make Use of Leftover Paint

Leftover paint - Prospect House Painting Pros

10 Ways to Make Use of Leftover Paint No matter how well you’ve calculated the amount of paint you’d need for a painting project, it’s still highly likely that you’ll have a bunch of remaining paints. Leftover paint may not be something to worry about, but it can take up enough space in your storage. […]

Washing and Cleaning Your Paint Brushes and Rollers

Paint Brushes and Rollers - Prospect House Painting

Washing and Cleaning Your Paint Brushes and Rollers Pain brushes and roller brushes tend to get messy after a tedious task, such as interior house painting in Prospect, CT. You can’t wash all paints from your paintbrushes and rollers with a bar of standard soap and water. So, to get the most out of your painting […]